Did you know?
There are plenty of ways you can be involved to help make a positive impact, regardless of your age!
Design a poster
Design a poster about an endangered animal you care about. Ask your teacher if you can present it to your class to spread awareness.
Learn, learn, learn!
Read books that focus on caring for pets, and watch documentaries that provide information on how humans are impacting the wildlife habitat.
Create a learning project
Join the Jane Goodall Institute's Roots & Shoots program too make a positive change for people, animals and the environment.
Take a family nature walk
Get connected with nature, explore wildlife spaces and learn more about them, and become a steward for this planet!
Start a campaign at school
Get together with like-minded advocate friends and host informative workshops in school.
Minecraft and sustainability
Looking for a fun way to learn about sustainability? Check out Minecraft: Education Edition world and gear up for a journey to Sustainability City!
Let's GoVolunteer
Spend some of your free time helping organizations for causes you care about. Nothing is more constructive than volunteer work!